
Steak and Ale Stew

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Steak and Ale Stew, also known as Guinness Stew is traditional rustic stew from the British Isles, commonly served with mashed or roast potatoes or as part of a pie.



  1. Cut beef into preferred size of chunks.
  2. Cut carrots into small chunks.
  3. Dice onions and celery into tiny pieces.
  4. Add butter to your Dutch oven.
  5. Once butter is melted add the onions and fry until translucent.
  6. Add more butter if needed and “brown” your beef.
  7. Once beef is browned on all sides add carrots, celery and spices.
  8. Mix everything around and then add your ale.
  9. Add beef broth until everything is covered.
  10. Bring to the boil, reduce heat to medium and stir and set oven to 160°
  11. Once oven is up to heat place the lid on your Dutch oven and place it in your oven.
  12. Check after one hour, then every half hour until desired result.


  1. You can forgo the use of beef broth and use more ale if you wish.
  2. I like to add mustard with the onions and beef. Try it out.
  3. You can thicken the stew as desired.