My Personal Library

This is an attempt to catalogue and list every book I own. It is likely incomplete and a permanent work in progress. I may mark the ones I have read or have believe to be of interest but if I have any content relevant to them that will be included as well.
I will attempt to separate the list by applicable category. I would like a standardised system that does this but I’m not sure where to start in that regard. If you are aware of one please contact me.
- Pollington, Stephen - Rudiments of Runelore
- Cambridge Latin Book 1, 5th Edition
- Cambridge Latin Book 1, Student Study Book
- Collins Latin Dictionary Essential Edition
- Ehrlich, Eugene - Nil Desperandum, A Dictionary of Latin Tags and Phrases
- Minkova, Milena and Tunberg, Terence - Readings and Exercises in Latin Prose Composition
- Wheelock, Frederick M - Wheelock’s Latin, 8th Edition
- Baugh, Albert C. and Cable, Thomas - A History of The English Language, 5th edition
- Trousedale, Graeme - An Itroduction to English Sociolinguistics
- Yule, George - The Study of Language, 6th Edition
- Austen, Jane - Northhanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons and Sanditon, Oxford World Classics
- Burns, Robert - The Complete Illustrated Poems, Songs & Ballads
- Christie, Agatha - Death on the Nile
- Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Other Stories
- Hammer, Richard (Editor) - A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse
- Heaney, Seamus (Translator) - Beowulf
- Heaney, Seamus (Translator) - Beowulf, Dual Language Version
- Kinsella, Thomas (Translator) - The TΓ‘in
- Lewis, C.S. - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
- Shakespeare, William - The Complete Works
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - Beowulf: A Transalation and Commentary w/ Sellic Spell
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Hobbit
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Fellowship of the Ring
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Two Towers
- Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Return of the King
- Asimov, Isaac - Foundation
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby
- Heinlein, Robert A. - Starship Troopers
- Herbert, Frank - Dune
- Lovecraft, H.P. - The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft
- Bede - The Ecclesiastical History of the English People
- Byock, Jesse (Translator) - Grettir’s Saga
- Grimm, Jacob and Grimm, Wilhelm - Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales
- Hollander, Lee M (Translator) - The Poetic Edda
- Homer and Neil, William (Translator) - Tales Frae The Odyssey O Homer Owreset Intil Scots
- Tales from the Odyssey of Homer Translated into Scots
- Homer - The Iliad
- Tacitus - Agricola
- Tacitus - Germannia
Philosophy and Ethics
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations
- Follin, Marcus - Dauntless
- Nietzsche, Friedrich β Beyond Good and Evil
- Nietzsche, Friedrich β Thus Spoke Zarathustra
- Scruton, Roger - An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Philosophy
- Euclid - The Thirteen Books of Elements
- Gawande, Atul - The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right
- Kaczynski, Theodore John β Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
- Kaczynski, Theodore John β Industrial Society and its Future
- Kaczynski, Theodore John β Technological Slavery
Religious Texts
- The King James Bible
Historical Fiction
- Cornwell, Bernard - The Last kingdom
- Cornwell, Bernard - The Pale Horseman
- Cornwell, Bernard - The Lords of the North
Fantasy Fiction
- Pratchett, Terry - The Colour of Magic
- Pratchett, Terry - Guards Guards!
- Kernighan, Brian and Ritchie, Dennis - The C Programming Language
- Loudon, Kyle - C++ Pocket Reference
- Marz, Nathan and Warren, James - Big Data
- Patterson, David A. and Hennessy, John L. - Computer Organization and Design, 5th edition
- Picheta, Dominik - Nim In Action
- Prinz, Peter - C Pocket Reference
- Sharp, John - Microsoft Visual C# 2013: Step by Step
- Stallings, William - Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, 8th edition
- Stroustrup, Bjarne - The C++ Programming Language
Camping and Outdoorsmanship
- Mears, Ray - Essential Bushcraft
- Mears, Ray - Outdoor Survival Handbook: A Guide To The Resources And Materials Available In The Wild And How To Use Them For Food, Shelter,Warmth And Navigation
Food and Cooking
- Follin, Julia - Old World Feast
British History
- Blair, Peter Hunter - An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England
- Blair, Peter Hunter - Northumbria in the Days of Bede
- Walker, Ian W. - Harold: The Last Anglo-Saxon King
European History
- Sawyer, Peter - The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings
- Simpson, Jacqueline - The Viking World
- Pearson, Mike P. - The Archaeology of Death and Burial
- Renfrew, Colin and Bahn, Paul - Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice
- Scarre, Chris - The Human Past, 4th Edition
- Dickinson, Bruce - What Does This Button Do?
- Williams, Sam - Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software
Nerd Stuff
- Chainsaw Man, volume 1
- Goblin Slayer, volume 1
Video Games
- Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector’s Edition