I Hate Generative Neural Networks
published onI have noticed over the past year a creep of images generated using Neural Networking software, referred to by normies as “AI” (lol) and I quite simply cannot stand the absolutely soulless and boring nature of it. Every single “AI” generated image, video, etc that I have seen is blatantly obvious in its origin. They are always ugly and without any telling features that would be present in something manmade.
Another observation that I find to be quite telling of the mindset of those that use them as that they are always used in a tasteless manner or in place of an image that would be more appropriate and already exists. For example: an “AI” generated image of a character from Lord of the Rings, when there already exists a series of movies, many video games, several art books, countless RPG source books and plenty more examples I could list but you get my point. These works already have an inexhaustible quantity of appropriate high quality images one could use.
These technologies are developed using stolen art, music, etc and are seemingly used by people with a confused mindset in which they believe that the image they use needs to be “unique” to stand out which ironically is not a satisfied condition when the image generated is plagiarizing the work of others and has the exact same weird soulless “AI” (lack of) aesthetic that all of these images seemingly have. In the rare cases where these images are convincing at first glance they are always betrayed by their (lack of, or overcompensated) details and once these patterns are noticed they will never pass the test of first glance again.
Other than their boring, hideous and soulless aesthetic these images are generated using stolen artwork taken without permission. Which normally wouldn’t be something I am bothered by as I have no dog in the fight regarding the sanctity of corporate slop. However not all art is corporate slop and not all artists are compensated fairly for their art. Put simply: there are artists that make art I like, I want to see more of their art, their art can only be made by these artists, anything generated using their art as a source is a defacto counterfeit and therefore fraudulent, fraud is bad.
Use of this technology is an immediate filter as far as I am concerned. Media making use of it isn’t worthy of my time because quite simply it isn’t real. It has no creative value as it is not creative. A unconvincing masquerade attempting to cover for a lack of talent or inability to dedicate effort to something. I don’t like being lied to or having people try to deceive me, I could go on and list many more reasons why I cannot stand this ridiculous facade of an “art movement” but I don’t believe it deserves my time or effort, I have enough self respect not to use these tools to generate my arguments for me and know that what I have said should be more than enough for anyone of a critical thinking mind to grasp the spirit of my points.