
A Blog Without Blogging

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When I first started this blog it was purely as an exercise in staking my e-claim on my e-land as the meme at the time suggested. It was a fun exercise that let me refresh my knowledge of HTML and CSS and it led me to learn Hugo too and since then I’ve been posting to this site whenever I feel like something I’ve written is worth posting.

But I didn’t do much blogging, in fact I’ve done basically none at all!

I intend to change that. The idea of writing a blog is appealing I’ve just never felt like I had anything interesting going on. I blame doing a CompSci degree for this though. Now that I am doing a degree that I actually want to do I have probably too much that I want to write down about it.

When last semester ended I planned to blog about my experience, what I thought of the various classes, the campus, the environment of the university in general but I never got around to it. So I will cover both semesters at the same time when this one is finished.

In fact there is a bunch of stuff I would like to start writing about that I haven’t had the time to. Such as book reviews, travel logs and personal updates. The idea of “building your own platform” was supposed to give the opportunity to do these things and I never took advantage of it when I wanted to. I will be doing so more often starting now.