
What is dunkelheit.xyz?

Dunkelheit is my personal blog and website where I host articles, blog posts, food recipes, services and information I would like to share with the world. It is my little corner of the internet.

Why Dunkelheit?

Dunkelheit is the German word for darkness, I found this title appropriate as the concept of a digital dark age is something that I believe we are now living in. This is also why I use the .xyz TLD as I find the “end of the internet” culture associated with this TLD to be appropriate. I really liked the old internet and it’s aesthetic, a time when everything was very personal and experimental and people could express themselves in any which way they desired even if it looked a bit silly or was overloaded with .gifs and webpins. Which I find to be a desireable aesthetic to return. The internet used to be fun and practical and now it is getting smaller every day.

What Is Here?

You can find food recipes, blog posts and articles and various means to contact me.

You can also learn a litle bit about me here.